Service definition can be tagged in order to be found while the container is being build.

For instance, a jinja filters can be define like this:

    class: jinja2.extra.filter.Time
        jinja2.filter: # a filter can have multiple filter options
            - []
            - []

Then, while the container is being build, it is possible to attach new service to the jinja instance

class Extension(ioc.component.Extension):
    def load(self, config, container_builder):

        # ...

        jinja = container_builder.get('ioc.extra.jinja2')

        for id in container_builder.get_ids_by_tags('jinja2.filter'):
            definition = container_builder.get(id)

            for options in definition.get_tag('jinja2.filter'):
                jinja.add_call('register_filter', ioc.component.Reference(id))